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Gunscape Free Download

Gunscape Free Download

Gunscape Free Download PC Game. Gunscape provides easy-to-use tools based on a block-placement interface everybody’s already familiar with to create all types of maps. Don’t like building stuff? Then just blast…

Game Overview

developer DEVELOPER: Blowfish Studios

developer PUBLISHER: Blowfish Studios

release date RELEASE DATE: 1 Mar, 2016

genre GENRE: Action, Shooter, Building, Open World, Survival, Adventure

Gunscape Free Download

Inspired by the first-person shooters of the past that we loved, we’re taking all the most memorable elements and putting them in a toolkit to be used and combined however you want. At its heart, Gunscape is an FPS construction kit. It’s a game that lets you go wild with your creativity in a pumping action sandbox! Gunscape does this by providing easy-to-use tools based on a block-placement interface everybody’s already familiar with to create single-player campaigns, co-op maps and multiplayer arenas and the functionality to share your creations with your friends. Don’t like building stuff and just want to blast your way through hordes of monsters or duel with other players? Maps can also be shared, played and voted on by the whole world, so you’ll always have new levels at your fingertips!

World Building

The game is organised into themes taken from the entire genre of FPS games, from the early classics to the modern triple-A stealth and war shooters. Each theme set contains unique world building blocks, player models, enemies (and bosses!), music tracks, skyboxes, special level elements (like traps and teleporters) and–of course–GUNS (plus bombs, bats, swords, flamethrowers, chainsaws, rocket launchers and much, much more. 38 weapons planned so far!). Assets from different sets are meant to be combined freely when building your worlds and the selection of content contained in each one has been carefully selected and planned out to avoid redundancy and to represent the truly iconic parts of the game it was inspired by.

Gunscape Download

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How To Install The Game:

1. Download/Extract/Install (if needed).

2. Play the game.

3. Have fun ^^.

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