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GRID Free Download + Online

GRID Free Download + Online

GRID Free Download PC Game Cracked, shared by SteamRIP.

Game Overview

Release name: GRID 2
Size: 10 GB

Title: GRID 2
Genre: Racing, Sports
Developer: Codemasters Racing
Publisher: Codemasters
Release Date: 27 May 2013

ALL REVIEWS: Very Positive (25,943)

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Direct Links:

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How To Install The Game

1) Download the game using a Torrent program or Direct program
2) Extract the game to your preferred location with WinRar or 7-Zip
3) Wait for the extraction to end
4) No need to install the game, just start with the LAUNCHER of the game as administrator
5) Play!

How To Play OnLine

Credit to : Enzo

Modes : MultiPlayer    | Co-oP  

1) Steam Fix is included for this release.
2) Launch Steam , log-in your account, keep it running in the background.
3) Run the game through grid2.exe which is in the game folder.
4) Create a new game and overwrite the old profile (Added a save to prevent save data failing everytime)
5) In the main menu, Click on Grid Online, wait for it to load then press Enter when it says Connection Refused
6) In-game -> Creating a server : Events -> Online -> Invite Friends -> Make Online Event -> Create Match
Joining a server : Let your friend invite you and accept invite on steam overlay -> Connect and Play!
6) Play & Enjoy !

Note : This will only let you play with people using the same crack. Official servers are dead now.

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