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Deadly Broadcast Free Download (v0.10)

Deadly Broadcast Free Download (v0.10)

Deadly Broadcast Free Download PC Game. Deadly Broadcast is a co-op horror and survival game that can be played with 1-4 players.

Game Overview

 DEVELOPER: Apphic Games

 PUBLISHER: Apphic Games

 RELEASE DATE: 2 Feb, 2023

 GENRE: Action, Adventure, Horror, Survival

Deadly Broadcast Free Download (v0.10)

Camera is ready. Lens are set! Batteries are full. So let the streaming begin!

Deadly Broadcast team is always on the hunt for mysterious paranormal events and abandoned cursed places for you followers.

Select your Character and Start your Career!

There are 8 characters in the game and you can start your career by selecting any of them. Each streamer character has their own personality with different unique skills.

The more you play, the more subscribers you have in the game and the more money you start to earn in levels. With the money you earn, you can buy the clothes you like for the streamer characters from the store and create your own style. Also, you can upgrade your character’s skills with new features.

Fight for your life! Stream for your popularity!

You disturbed the evil spirits and opened the Pandora’s Box. Now all you have to do is solve puzzles, fight against flesh-and-blood zombies with the weapons you find around, and escape alive by destroying the evil spirit of the hospital manager or the demon of the prison chief guard by reading the notes and hints!

It is not easy to destroy boss demons. While you can kill his servants with knives, axes or similar weapons, no weapon can affect these boss demons. So what can you do against them? You have two options! Hide in the cabinets or Stun him with your Camera flash!

Let your Chat Decide your Fate! Connect your Twitch (Optional)

You can connect your Twitch and all your real chat messages will appear on the Game.

Twitch Decision Maker system:

Your chat can affect the gameplay and help you by typing .Flash, .Medkit or .Weapon as a message in the twitch during livestream. For example, If .Medkit keyword reaches a certain amount in the Chat messages, a Med kit spawns in front of the influencer. That is a very nice interaction in the game. I definitely advice to game influencers to use this feature. You can make a very funny and effective live streams with this feature.

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How To Install The Game:

1) Download the game using a Torrent program or Direct program
2) Extract the game to your preferred location with WinRar or 7-Zip
3) Wait for the extraction to end
4) No need to install the game, just start with the LAUNCHER of the game as administrator
5) Play!

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